Inlet Accessories

Find all supplies required for all your GC inlets, including cool on-column (COC), multimode inlet (MMI), programmable temperature vaporizing (PTV), and purged packed inlet (PPI).

Cool On-Column (COC) Inlet Supplies
Cool on-column injection is a sample introduction technique the offers precision injection to eliminate sample discrimination/alteration.

Multimode Inlet Supplies
Multimode inlet can increase sensitivity with large volume injection, analyze thermally labile compounds or assisnt in injecting dirty samples

Programmable Temperature vaporizing (PTV) Inlet Supplies
Agilent programmed temperature vaporizer inlets combine the benefits of split, splitless, and on-column inlets.

Purged Packed Inlet Supplies
Packed column analysis is frequently done when high-efficiency separations are not needed or when gases are analyzed by gas-solid chromatography.