You Searched For: Sulfuric Acid

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Catalog Number: (RCR8347000-4A)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Sulfuric - Phosphoric Acid, 1:1, Cas number: 7664-38-2, 7664-93-9, 7732-18-5, Molecular Formula: H3PO4, H2SO4, H2O, Molecular weight: 97.99g/mol, 98.07 g/mol, 18.01g/mol, Appearance/Form: Colorless liquid, Size: 4L Poly natural

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 0.100 (+/-0.0001) Normal (N/10) in 2.0 N Sulfuric Acid. (Ferroin indicator, Group No.3140 can be used with this titrant). Cubitainer. Subject to postal/shipping restrictions. 4L.
Catalog Number: (RC611-32)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Ammonia Standard, 1 ml = 0.005 mg NH₃-N, 5 ppm N, in dilute Sulfuric Acid, Ricca Chemical Company

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: For cleaning glassware.
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Magnesium sulfate solution 250 g/L in sulfuric acid 2N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Catalog Number: (RC1907-1)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: APHA and EPA for COD. In safety coated bottles. Container: Plastic.
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: APHA for BOD.
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Magnesium sulfate 12% (w/v) in aqueous solution USP Test Solution (TS)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 22.2% (w/v) Aqueous. Container: Plastic.
Catalog Number: (RC69416)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 2.0 Molar. Ionic Strength Adjuster for Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode. Container: Plastic.

Catalog Number: (RCSOD55-1)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Ammonium thiocyanate 0.5% (w/v) in methanol, with dilute sulfuric acid

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Mercuric sulfate solution (red mercuric oxide) 80 g/L in 6 N Sulfuric Acid
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Catalog Number: (RC8192-16)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical


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