You Searched For: Titanium+carbide

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00011268
Supplier: BeanTown Chemical
Description: CAS: 12070-08-5; EC No: 235-120-4; MDL No: MFCD00011268; RTECS: XR1903500 UN No: UN3178; Haz Class: 4.1; Packing Group: III 2 Micron Powder; Linear Formula: TiC; MW: 59.89 Melting Point: 3140°; Boiling Point: 4820° Density (g/mL): 4.93


Supplier: Strem Chemicals Inc
Description: CAS #: 12070-08-5. Size: 500g.

Supplier: BeanTown Chemical
Description: CAS: 12070-08-5; EC No: 235-120-4; MDL No: MFCD00011268; RTECS: XR1903500 UN No: UN3178; Haz Class: 4.1; Packing Group: III 30-50nm APS Powder, S.A. 35-45 m2/g; Linear Formula: TIC; MW: 59.89 Melting Point: 3140°; Boiling Point: 4820° Density (g/mL): 4.93


Supplier: Chemplex
Description: For use with titanium carbide SpectroVials*. 8mm diameter.

Supplier: Chemplex
Description: Comminuting and blending vials specially designed for spectrochemical powdered sample material processing in ball pestle impact grinders.

Supplier: Foamtec International
Description: Tools are designed to work together to clean recessed surfaces and microporous sub-surfaces without using hazardous solvents. When used in conjunction, they safely and quickly remove build-up on process equipment and reduce contamination levels. Choose from diamond, silicon carbide, or aluminum oxide ScrubPADS for initial scouring. Complete the cleaning process with hydrophilic polyurethane foam sponges, wipers, and swabs.
Catalog Number: (101411-800)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Hexagonal-alpha and beta phase silicone carbide for specimen preparation.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (101411-798)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Hexagonal-alpha and beta phase silicone carbide for specimen preparation.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (101411-950)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Boron Carbide is one of the hardest materials known, ranking third behind diamond and cubic boron nitride.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Supplier: BeanTown Chemical
Description: CAS: 12070-06-3; EC No: 235-118-3; MDL No: MFCD00011255 UN No: UN3178; Haz Class: 4.1; Packing Group: III -325 Mesh Powder; Linear Formula: TaC; MW: 192.96 Melting Point: 3880°


Supplier: BeanTown Chemical
Description: CAS: 12069-32-8; EC No: 235-111-5; MDL No: MFCD00011520; RTECS: ED7420000 <lt/>10 Micron Powder ; Molecular Formula: CB4; MW: 55.25 Density (g/mL): 2.51


Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00049531
Catalog Number: (101411-786)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Hexagonal-alpha and beta phase silicone carbide for specimen preparation.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (101411-790)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Hexagonal-alpha and beta phase silicone carbide for specimen preparation.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

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