You Searched For: Methyl+hydroxyethylcellulose

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Catalog Number: (700013-036)
Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Methyl Hydroxyethylcellulose, also known as Hydroxyethyl cellulose or hydroxyethyl ether, is a thickening and gelling agent that comes from cellulose which is used in cleaning solutions and in cosmetics. Ungraded products supplied by Spectrum are indicative of a grade suitable for general industrial use or research purposes and typically are not suitable for human consumption or therapeutic use. These materials may or may not have a Certificate of Analysis available.

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Catalog Number: (EM8.18116.0100)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: (97063-538)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Hydroxyethyl cellulose, high purity

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Supplier: TCI America
Description: Form: Crystal
Color: Very Pale Yellow
Catalog Number: (TCH0392-25G)
Supplier: TCI America
Description: Form: Crystal
Color: White

Supplier: TCI America
Description: Form: Crystal
Color: Very Pale Yellow
Catalog Number: (EM8.16001.0100)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: (77624-220)
Supplier: Ambeed
Description: Hydroxyethyl cellulose, 1500~2500 mPa.s, 25℃

New Product

Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, 3,400 cps is a thickening and gelling agent created from cellulose, most commonly used in cleaning solutions, cosmetics and other products used in the household. It usually comes in capsule form.
Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, 100 cP, NF. 

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, 5,000 cP, NF is a non-ionic, water soluble polymer used as a thickening agent and gelling agent for aqueous pharmaceutical formulations. 

Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, 2,000 cP, NF is a non-ionic, water soluble polymer used as a thickening agent and gelling agent for aqueous pharmaceutical formulations. 

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (BDH2022-55GLP)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Meets ACS specifications.

Catalog Number: (BDH7388-2)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Bromocresol green and methyl red in denatured alcohol (SDA-3A).

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