You Searched For: Masterflex+Replacement+Parts

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Description: Genuine replacement parts, clamps, joints, trays and fittings for Agilent ICP-MS instruments.

Supplier: Restek

Catalog Number: (10856-016)
Supplier: Restek
Description: Replacement Parts for Micropacked Conversion Kit, Includes: Dual Vespel ring inlet seals, large bore (2)

Supplier: Restek
Description: For use with PerkinElmer Auto SYS XL and Clarus 500 systems.

Catalog Number: (77395-438)
Supplier: Heathrow Scientific
Description: Replacement parts for the heat sealer with cutter.

Supplier: Restek
Description: Accelerated solvent extraction is a common technique for fast and reliable extraction of organic materials from solid matrices, using EPA SW-846 Method 3545, Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE).

Catalog Number: (76500-964)
Supplier: Sartorius
Description: Frit, Microsart, Replacement part for Microsart Funnel

Supplier: Labconco
Description: Replacement glassware for Kjeldahl Units.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Description: A comprehensive range of replacement valve parts for selected Thermo Fisher Scientific HPLC systems.

Supplier: Restek
Description: Available in standard or Siltek®-treated high-performance versions.

Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: Replacement part for eletrophoresis plate cleaner

Supplier: Restek
Description: Collection Rack Size: 12-Port Replacement Parts for Resprep* SPE Manifolds

Description: High-quality replacement valve parts for selected Shimadzu HPLC and LC/MS instruments.

Description: O-rings, fittings, and connectors for Agilent ICP-OES.

Description: Dispensing syringe and replacement plungersfor use with PSD 100/120 Programmable Sample Dispenser.

Supplier: Rheodyne
Description: Stators are available in 316 stainless steel, PEEK and proprietary materials. Rheodyne® stator materials have been researched and selected for their physical and mechanical strengths. Stators need replacement only if the ports or sealing surfaces become damaged.

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