You Searched For: Halogen Lights, Lamps and Bulbs
186 results were found
Atomic Spectroscopy Products for Analytical Chemistry
Atomic Spectroscopy Avantor Atomic Spectroscopy Avantor carries a complete selection of spectrometers other equipment accessories and supplies that analysts in your lab need every day to help them identify and quantify materials by examining their...
Flow cytometry solutions for biopharma | VWR
Flow cytometry solutions for biopharma Cytometry solutions Flow cytometry is a laser-based technology that is used in the detection and measurement of physical and chemical characteristics of cells or particles as they flow in a fluid suspension a...
PHARMED Tubing Advantages: Great for tissue and cell worknontoxic and nonhemolytic. Long service life minimizes risk of fluid exposure; reduces tubing costs and pump downtime. Opaque to UV and visible light to protect light-sensitive fluids. Heat...
MycoAlert PLUS™
MycoAlert PLUS™ The MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit is the next generation MycoAlert™ Kit which provides higher light out put and this allows for use with less sensitive plate luminometers or multifunctional readers testing of unused medi...
~~azure biosystems digital imaging~~
The advent of digital imaging has transformed Western blot detection. Here we outline how Western blotting has changed and review qualities to look for in a digital imager. Chemiluminescence and fluorescence When most people think of imaging their...
Azure cSeries Advanced Imaging Systems
Azure cSeries Advanced Imaging Systems The c300-c600 offer imaging capabilities for chemiluminescence UV RGB NIR blue light and white light depending on the model that fits your needs. The c600 offers the most flexible imaging options but each mod...
General Protection
General Protection Clothing that protects you in wide array of applications and environments from routine industrial to biopharmaceutical and aerospace. The ProShield® brand has broad offering to suit almost every requirement. DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 C...
Controlled Environment and General Protection
Controlled Environment and General Protection DuPont controlled environment garments offer comfortable lightweight and durable protection for your manufacturing environment. Serged and bound seam garments are available in a variety of materials in...
Mechanical Pipettes
Mechanical Pipettes – Tacta® mLINE® & Proline® Plus Sartorius mechanical pipettes are appreciated for their ergonomics ease of use and reliability. As a result they are widely used for various liquid handling tasks in pharmaceutical laboratories r...
Non-Sterile Cleanroom Manufacturing
Non-Sterile Cleanroom Manufacturing DuPont non-sterile cleanroom garments are available as individually packaged as well as bulk packaged depending on your needs. Tyvek® microporous film and SMS deliver the particle barrier durability and comfort ...
~~azure biosystems 3 color western blots c600~~
Multicolor detection is a powerful application of fluorescent Western blotting. Two or more proteins can be detected on one blot using antibodies labeled with different fluorophores (Figure 1). The ability to simultaneously assay multiple proteins...
Casework Color Palette
Casework Color Palette Color can have a significant effect on a workspace. Make sure the colors you choose interact with lighting layout and other elements to create an effective workspace. Our casework color palette will show you all the colors a...
~~azure biosystems imaging in gel~~
Detecting in-gel fluorescence enables the analysis of protein gels immediately after electrophoresis without staining or Western blotting. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis is a cornerstone of protein analysis. After separation identificat...
~~azure biosystems improve fluorescent western blots~~
Fluorescent Western blots are the gold standard for quantitative Westerns. They are ideal for detecting multiple proteins simultaneously (multi-plexing) allowing in-lane normalization and detection of your protein of interest and loading control a...
Laboratory Facilities Maintenance & Protection Equipment | VWR
Laboratory Facilities Maintenance Protection and Hygiene Supplies Purchase Quality Lab Maintenance Equipment at Avantor® Everyone is safer in a clean well-maintained laboratory. Avantor® offers a complete line of chemical handling storage facility...
~~azure biosystems improve chemiluminescent western ~~
Chemiluminescent Westerns are popular assays for assessing protein expression. In this indirect detection method chemiluminescent substrates emit light when reacted with an antibody conjugated to an enzyme. The emitted light is captured and archiv...
49 - 64 of 186