You Searched For: Balances and Scales
317 results were found
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Specialized Equipment
Specialized Equipment Here you'll find some of the key pieces of equipment that you need in a clinical laboratory environment. Centrifugation Microcentrifuges and bench centrifuges both refrigerated and ambient from all market leading suppliers......
Mechanical Pipettes
Mechanical Pipettes – Tacta® mLINE® & Proline® Plus Sartorius mechanical pipettes are appreciated for their ergonomics ease of use and reliability. As a result they are widely used for various liquid handling tasks in pharmaceutical laboratories r...
General Protection
General Protection Clothing that protects you in wide array of applications and environments from routine industrial to biopharmaceutical and aerospace. The ProShield® brand has broad offering to suit almost every requirement. DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 C...
Our Collection of VWR brands
Our Collection of VWR brands Our solutions developed with you as our focus are crafted by our team and network of professionals with advanced degrees in science quality control engineering manufacturing and industry experience. Trust that you can ...
Strategies for Optimizing Downstream Processing
Strategies for Optimizing Downstream Processing Downstream processing is vital for efficient and cost-effective production of biopharmaceuticals industrial enzymes and other bio-based products. Downstream processing refers to purifying separating ...
Strategies for Efficient Recombinant Protein Expression
Strategies for Efficient Recombinant Protein Expression Recombinant protein expressions are essential in biotechnology and biomedical research. Recombinant proteins which are proteins produced through genetic engineering techniques have numerous a...
Analytical Chemistry: Lab Essentials
Analytical Chemistry: Lab Essentials Science should never be limited by insufficient options. VWR is committed to offering broad product choice to a world of accelerating scientific advancement. We bring you direct access to the world’s most respe...
Monoclonal Antibodies: Understanding Their Production and Clinical Applications
Monoclonal Antibodies: Understanding Their Production and Clinical Applications Monoclonal antibodies mAbs have transformed the field of medicine thanks to their remarkable specificity and effectiveness in treating various diseases. This article w...
Metals & Materials
Metals & Materials Our product range consists of a broad range of high purity metals and materials virtually all of which are available from stock for immediate shipment. Thermo Scientific brand products consist of pure metals alloys and non-metal...
TexSolv & CoreSafe Chemical Protection
TexSolv & CoreSafe Chemical Protection SW® is advancing materials science and new manufacturing processes to develop chemical protection products with exact safety specifications while maintaining a focus on work comfort and hand health. Look for ...
Equipment & Instrumentation for Cannabis Testing
Equipment & Instrumentation for Cannabis Testing For the smoothest safest and most efficient cannabis testing and analysis you want the best instruments that fit your needs. VWR offers an array of equipment options to suit your unique laboratory o...
Dupont Personal Protection (PPE) Solutions & Products
Dupont Chemical Personal Protection Solutions Different jobs require different levels of protection. DuPont Personal Protection offers a wide range of protective clothing to meet your needs. DuPont provides a wide range of Controlled Environment a...
Weight Sets
Weight Sets Precision-crafted of stainless steel with a highly polished finish. Weights 30kg to 5kg are flat on top with a recessed grip handle for easy handling and stacking. Weights 5kg to 1kg are cylindrical in shape with a groove near the top ...
Case Study: Masterflex® Microflex® Pump Head Used for Applikon® miniBio Bioreactor
Case Study: Masterflex® Microflex® Pump Head Used for Applikon® miniBio Bioreactor This mini 500-mL bioreactor is currently being used for COVID-19 vaccine research Applikon Biotechnology is a global leader in developing and supplying advanced bio...
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