You Searched For: Next Generation Sequencing Reagents

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Catalog Number: 76848-062
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 76848-066
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 76848-060
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 77135-394
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: SparQ DNA Fragment and Library Prep Kit, Robust, Simplified 2-step protocol speeds sample prep to under 3 hours and minimizes sample loss from transfer steps, Improved overall sequencing workflow economics, PCR-free, Size: 24 reactions
Catalog Number: 76183-242
Supplier: Quantabio

Description: SparQ DNA Fragment and Library Prep Kit, Robust, Simplified 2-step protocol speeds sample prep to under 3 hours and minimizes sample loss from transfer steps, Improved overall sequencing workflow economics, PCR-free, Size: 96 reactions
Catalog Number: 76183-244
Supplier: Quantabio

Catalog Number: 76848-064
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 76848-056
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 76636-302
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: kit, PCR Expansion, PCR Primers (PRM) and PCR Adapters (PCA), compatible for use with the Ligation Sequencing Kits, sufficient for at least 24 reactions.
Catalog Number: 76487-126
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Catalog Number: 76848-052
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: Kit, Control Expansion, Lambda DNA (LMD). contains six vials of Lambda DNA for performing a Lambda Control Experiment, Long-term storage -20C, size: 24 reactions
Catalog Number: 76487-110
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: Kit, PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-96, allow the pooling and running together of multiple sequencing libraries, includes adapters and forward and reverse PCR primers with the same barcode in both forward and reverse primers, provides material sufficient for 10 reactions
Catalog Number: 76487-114
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: Kit, PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-12, allows the pooling and running together of multiple sequencing libraries, includes adapters and forward and reverse PCR primers with the same barcode in both forward and reverse primers, 12 unique barcodes, sufficient for 6 reactions.
Catalog Number: 76487-112
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: Sequencing Auxiliary Vials
Catalog Number: 76519-514
Supplier: Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Description: SparQ Universal Library Quant Kit, 100reaction
Catalog Number: 76450-280
Supplier: Quantabio

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