You Searched For: Environmental Test Kits

Determine the concentrations of a wide range of gases and chemicals in the environment, whether by air, water, or soil sampling. Portable, convenient handheld units are ideally suited for field analysis of samples. All instruments are easy to use with accurate readings for reliable service. Continual testing of the environment ensures that ongoing safety measures are being enforced properly and that the integrity of the ecosystem is intact.

Determine the concentrations of a wide range of gases and chemicals in the environment, whether by air, water, or soil sampling. Portable, convenient handheld units are ideally suited for field analysis of samples. All instruments are easy to use with accurate readings for reliable service. Continual testing of the environment ensures that ongoing safety measures are being enforced properly and that the integrity of the ecosystem is intact.

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Description: Vwr* Nitrite test strip, Test stick for semi-quantitative determination of nitrite (NO2) in solution, Gradation of scale: 0-1-5-10-20-40-80 mg/l white to red-violet, Between pH 1/13 the reaction is independent of pH value of test solution are adjust to pH 3 to 5 using citric acid, 500 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85440.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: VWR* Hardness test strip, Quick and easy determination of water hardness, for 5-21 tests, convenient dip and read procedure and the clear colour changes from green to red ensure reliable results within seconds, plays important role, Gradation: <55 ->90 ->180 ->270->360 ->445 ppm, 500 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85442.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: VWR* Hardness test strip, Quick and easy determination of water hardness, for 4-21 tests, convenient dip and read procedure and the clear colour changes from green to red ensure reliable results within seconds, plays important role, Gradation: <55 ->70 ->125 ->250 ->375 ppm, 500 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85443.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* Nitrite test strip, Colour gradation: 0-10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l NO3 0-1-5-10-20-40-80 mg/l NO2, Semi-quantitative, reliable determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in solution, easy dip-and-read-procedure a reliable result within 1 min, Color change: white to red-violet, 1000 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85439.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* peroxide test strip, suited for the determination of other inorganic and organic hydroperoxides, determination of hydroperoxides in organic solvents the test field is moistened with a drop of water after evaporation of the solvent, 25 dosatest, adjusted to pH 5 - 7 using citric acid
Catalog Number: BDH85433.601
Supplier: VWR International

Catalog Number: BDH85437.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* chloride test strip, for the semi-quantitative determination of chloride (Cl - ) in solutions, Gradation of scale: 0-500-1000-1500-2000-3000 mg/l Cl - brown to yellow, In the pH range 2 to 12 the reaction is independent of the pH value of the solution to be analysed, 500 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85441.601
Supplier: VWR International

Catalog Number: BDH85438.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* Peracetic Acid test strip, for the semi-quantitative determination of peracetic acid. Gradation 0 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 50 mg/l, 50 dosatest
Catalog Number: BDH85436.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* Peroxide test strip, Gradation of scale: 0-50-150-300-500-800-1000 ppm, semi-quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and peroxides in solutions, 1000 dosatest, In the presence of free and bound chlorine, the warning test field forms a blue coloration, 87.5 degrees
Catalog Number: BDH85435.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Vwr* Peroxide test strip, Gradation of scale: 0-50-150-300-500-800-1000 ppm, semi-quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and peroxides in solutions, 100 dosatest, In the presence of free and bound chlorine, the warning test field forms a blue coloration, 87.5 degrees
Catalog Number: BDH85434.601
Supplier: VWR International

Description: 'BAKER TESTRIPS' For Sulfite (SO3²?)
Catalog Number: JT44181

Description: Chemical Oxygen Demand (Cod): Us Epa Approved For Wastewater Analysis, Reactor Digestion.Range: 20 -1500 Mg/L
Catalog Number: BDH0401-150
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Cod Digestion Vials, High Range Plus, Range: 200 -15000 Mg/L
Catalog Number: BDH0402-150
Supplier: VWR International


Description: Cod Digestion Vials, High Range Plus, Range: 200 -15000 Mg/L
Catalog Number: BDH0402-25
Supplier: VWR International

Description: COD2 Digestion Vials, HR, Mercury-free, 20-1500 mg/L
Catalog Number: BDH0403-150
Supplier: VWR International

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