About Our Microscopy Tools

Electron Microscopy Sciences has all of tools a microscopist could ever need. From must-have old stand-bys to cutting edge new materials, EMS offers more products to help with your research.
Product selection

So many tweezers… so little time. Did you know there are tweezers for EVERYTHING? Find yours here.

We carry state-of-the-art punches that are hard to find. Check out the EMS brand for the latest in this product line.

Specimen Mounts
We carry a range of specimen mounts from the everyday, well-known versions to the most unique problem-solving kind.

Micro and Mini Tools
These tools are designed for anyone who is engaged in microscope work, miniature applications as well as specimen manipulation.

Dissecting Tools
A selection of micro and mini dissecting tools are available from EMS, including pen-like, scissor and ambidextrous shear-type versions.

Autopsy tools come in handy for specimen preparation. Look for the instruments that are right for the job starting here.

SEM and TEM Holders
Most SEM and TEM Holders can be specific to a task, but you can find some great variations that accommodate new techniques and some that cross over from one use to another. It never hurts to discover something new!