You Searched For: Turbidity+Standards

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Supplier: VWR International
Description: Vwr Turbidity Standard Set, Epa Approved And Iso Accepted Polymer Based Primary Turbidity Standard Kit, Set Of 4

Catalog Number: (76152-030)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Autoranging from 0 to 1000 NTUs, the meter generates an accurate turbidity reading in seconds.

Supplier: GFS Chemicals
Description: AMCO Clear® is an EPA approved primary standard for calibration of turbidity sensors.

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Catalog Number: (76795-394)
Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: For calibration of Oakton T-100 turbidity meters

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Turbidity Standard, Primary Standard Stock Formazin Suspension, 4000 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: GFS Chemicals
Description: EPA-approved primary turbidity standards for calibrating turbidimeters and nephelometers
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Turbidity Standard, 100 NTU, Polymer Bead Suspension

Catalog Number: (RC8825-16)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Turbidity Standard, 1000 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) - Formazin, Ricca Chemical Company

Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: Provides accurate results with simple calibration and testing.

Supplier: LaMotte

Supplier: GRANT USA INC.
Description: For The Grant Den-1 Densitometer/Turbidimeter.
Catalog Number: (76288-330)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Designed for turbidity adjustments to a McFarland standard.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Accessories for Orion™ AQ4500 Turbidimeter, Thermo Scientific

Catalog Number: (MSPP-2897200)
Description: Standards for 2100N and 2100N Is

New Product

Catalog Number: (10014-932)
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Generate an accurate turbidity reading quickly with the Orion™ AQUAfast AQ3010 Turbidity Meter.

Catalog Number: (MSPP-2464105)
Supplier: Hach
Description: Gelex Secondary Standards Kit, for 2100P and 2100Q Series Portable Turbidimeters (includes 1 sealed vial each, 0 to 10 NTU, 10 to 100 NTU, 100 to 1000 NTU).

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