You Searched For: Recorders

Recorders that track changes in the environment are available at VWR. Monitor conditions in settings where stability of temperature and humidity are critical, such as blood banks and food storage facilities, with our products. Battery-operated temperature recorders with probes offer printed strip charts and NIST traceability. Wall-mounted options record longer terms trends over daily or weekly periods. Remote options are available, as well as disposable models that are essential for monitoring conditions during transport of sensitive materials.

Recorders that track changes in the environment are available at VWR. Monitor conditions in settings where stability of temperature and humidity are critical, such as blood banks and food storage facilities, with our products. Battery-operated temperature recorders with probes offer printed strip charts and NIST traceability. Wall-mounted options record longer terms trends over daily or weekly periods. Remote options are available, as well as disposable models that are essential for monitoring conditions during transport of sensitive materials.

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Description: NIST Traceable*. Single-use, disposable recorder displays temperatures, time/day on 91cm strip chart. Records for 10 days. Chart, marker, and AA alkaline battery are preloaded and factory calibrated; pull a tab to begin. Tamper evident seal. Accuracy: +-1[degree]C.
Catalog Number: 15551-008
Supplier: VWR International

Description: For use with Automatic Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators (Series 5400 ), Model 815 Low-Temperature Incubators, and Model 818 Diurnal Incubators.
Catalog Number: 13306-252
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Description: Temper-resistant, single-use device that generates a permanent paper strip chart data record of temperature conditions and time duration for up to 10 days run time. Temperature range: -28[degree]C or 20[degree]F to +38[degree]C or +100[degree]F.
Catalog Number: 33500-508
Supplier: Cold Chain Technologies

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Description: Ideal for use in research, development, production, service, education. Push button electric pen lift & remote control 15-pin RS-232-C connector. Different inputs w/ constant impedance over all input ranges for accurate measurements from almost any source
Catalog Number: 55428-688
Supplier: Kipp & Zonen

Description: Ideal for use in research, development, production, service, education. Push button electric pen lift & remote control 15-pin RS-232-C connector. Different inputs w/ constant impedance over all input ranges for accurate measurements from almost any source
Catalog Number: 55428-692
Supplier: Kipp & Zonen

Description: Features Digital Display And Operates On A Single In Aain Battery For Up To 3 Years. Operates From -22 To +122F, And -30 To +50C And Is 7 Day/24 Hours Switchable.
Catalog Number: 97006-910
Supplier: Dickson

Description: 7-day chart with temperature range of -30 to 50[degree]C. Circular chart measures 10cm diameter. For use with Temptrace* temperature recorders (61280-126, -124).
Catalog Number: 61280-128
Supplier: Dickson

Description: 7-day temperature range chart. Measures from 0 to 50[degree] or 0 to -50[degree] in Fahrenheit/Celcius. Circular chart measures 15.2cm diameter. For use with KT6 temperature recorders.
Catalog Number: 61280-569
Supplier: Dickson

Description: 7-day temperature range chart. Measures from -50 to 50[degree] in Fahrenheit/Celcius. Circular chart measures 15.2cm diameter. For use with KT6 temperature recorders.
Catalog Number: 61280-572
Supplier: Dickson

Description: Used For Sl4350 And Sk4350 Chart Recorders; Measures 7 Day, -22 To +122F And -30 To 50C.
Catalog Number: 97006-894
Supplier: Dickson

Small Business Enterprise

Description: Features Digital Display And Operates On A Single In Aain Battery For Up To 3 Years. Operates From 0 To +100F, And -18 To +37C And Is 7 Day/24 Hours Switchable.
Catalog Number: 97006-908
Supplier: Dickson

Description: Used For Sl490; Measures 24 Hours, +45 To +90F And +7 To +32C.
Catalog Number: 97006-896
Supplier: Dickson

Small Business Enterprise

Description: Used For Sl4350 And Sk4350 Chart Recorders; Measures 24 Hr, -22 To +122F And -30 To 50C.
Catalog Number: 97006-892
Supplier: Dickson

Small Business Enterprise

Description: Used For Sl490; Measures 7 Days, +45 To +90F And +7 To +32C.
Catalog Number: 97006-898
Supplier: Dickson

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Catalog Number: 12444-170
Supplier: Dickson

Small Business Enterprise

Description: Used For Sl4100 And Sk4100; Measures 7 Days, 0 To +100F And -18 To +37C.
Catalog Number: 97006-902
Supplier: Dickson

Small Business Enterprise

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