You Searched For: Dissolved+Oxygen+Electrodes

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Supplier: Antyila Scientific
Description: Convenient, compact design with large display.

Supplier: YSI
Description: The EcoSense® ODO200M is an optical-based dissolved oxygen meter ideal for DO sampling. Sensors are EPA approved for wastewater compliance reporting of DO.

Supplier: YSI
Description: These kits include a ProSolo dissolved oxygen meter, an ODO/CT probe assembly with cable, and a soft-sided carrying case. Automatically compensates DO for salinity.

Supplier: YSI
Description: EcoSense Optical Dissolved oxygen and Temperature Field Probe, 1M Cable for ODO200 Optical DO and Temperature Meter

Supplier: YSI
Description: The EcoSense® DO200M dissolved oxygen instrument offers fast dissolved oxygen response times in wastewater, surface water, and aquaculture applications.

Supplier: YSI
Description: ProODO*Digital probe assembly with 100 meter cable, Cables come with the ODO optical DO sensor and sensing cap, provides durability for the measurement of optical, luminescent-based dissolved oxygen for any field application, 2, 000 data-set memory, USB and communication saddle included

Catalog Number: (77664-978)
Description: The measurement principle of the sensor system is based on the detection of oxygen concentration as a function of luminescence lifetime, either in dissolved or gaseous phase environments.

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Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 40% (w/v) Aqueous. Meets APHA, EPA for Dissolved Oxygen (DO). Container: Plastic.
Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: Convenient, compact design with large display.

Catalog Number: (RC236032)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: APHA Inhibitor for Dissolved Oxygen. Container: Glass.

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Zero Oxygen Standard, for Calibration of Dissolved Oxygen Meters, RICCA Chemical Company
Supplier: YSI
Description: The ODO200 is designed for quick, accurate results in an economical platform. The ability to measure DO optically along with temperature, in a simple, compact handheld allows the instrument to be used across multiple application sampling strategies in the field.

Catalog Number: (76221-298)
Supplier: Argos Technologies

Supplier: CHEMetrics
Description: Ideal for low- to medium-range colorimetric analysis of water quality

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (52457-598)
Supplier: YSI
Description: Membranes are 1 ml FEP fluoropolymer film. Response time (T95 - from 0 to 100%) is 18 seconds.

Supplier: YSI
Description: These kits include a ProSolo dissolved oxygen meter, an ODO/T probe assembly with cable, and a soft-sided carrying case.

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