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Catalog Number: (97068-938)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: T-Uptake calibration verification set is assayed quality control material consisting of five levels of human serum proteins.

Catalog Number: (76480-192)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: The Audit® MicroControls™ Linearity FD General Chemistry Panel 3 for Abbott Systems is intended to simulate human patient samples for use as assayed quality control material, determining linearity, calibration verification, and the verification of reportable range for the DBIL and TBIL analytes.

Catalog Number: (76480-190)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: It is intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for Albumin, ALP, ALT, Amylase, AST, CK, GGT, LDH, lipase, and total protein.

Catalog Number: (76479-172)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: Intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for iPTH.

Catalog Number: (76492-634)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: The Audit® MicroControlsTM Linearity FLQ TDM for Beckman AU is intended to simulate human patient samples for use in determining linearity, calibration verification, and the verification of reportable range for the following analytes: Acetaminophen, Amikacin, Carbamazepine, Digoxin, Gentamicin, Lidocaine, NAPA, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Primidone, Procainamide, Quinidine, Salicylate, Theophylline, Tobramycin, Valproic Acid, Vancomycin.

Catalog Number: (97068-912)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: Blood gas calibration verification is assayed quality control material consisting of five levels of buffers and salts in a bovine based material and equilibrated with known levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂), oxygen (O₂), and nitrogen.

Catalog Number: (76480-194)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: It is intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for Cholesterol, Triglycerides and HDL, LDL.

Catalog Number: (76479-168)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: Intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for iPTH.

Catalog Number: (76479-170)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: Intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for iPTH.

Catalog Number: (76518-170)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: The Audit® MicroControlsTM Linearity FLQ TDM for Ortho Vitros is intended to simulate human patient samples for use in determining linearity, calibration verification, and the verification of reportable range for the following analytes: Acetaminophen, Carbamazepine, Digoxin, Gentamicin, Lithium, Phenytoin, Salicylate, Theophylline, Tobramycin, Valproic Acid, Vancomycin.

Catalog Number: (76480-188)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: It is intended to simulate human patient serum samples for purpose of determining linearity, calibration verification and verification of reportable range for BUN, calcium, chloride, CO₂, creatinine, glucose, iron, lactate, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, and uric acid.

Catalog Number: (76479-182)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: The Audit® MicroControls™ Linearity FLQ ISE + Trigs for Siemens Dimension is intended to simulate human patient samples for use in determining linearity, calibration verification, and the verification of reportable range for the following analytes: chloride, potassium, sodium and triglycerides.

Catalog Number: (102325-674)
Supplier: Sigma Aldrich
Description: Distillation Certified Reference Material for the calibration and verification of laboratory instruments used in testing petroleum and derivative products for Distillation ASTM D86 and ISO 3405.


Catalog Number: (76472-752)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Reference Materials to quality performance verification (PV) tests in UV region. A set of solutions for pharmacopeia compliance support.

Catalog Number: (76472-754)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Reference Materials to quality performance verification (PV) tests in UV-Vis region. A set of filter standards for pharmacopeia compliance support.

Catalog Number: (76485-888)
Supplier: Audit Microcontrols
Description: The Audit® MicroControls™ Linearity FLQ TDM for Abbott systems is intended to simulate human patient samples for use in determining linearity, calibration verification, and the verification of reportable range for the following analytes: Acetominophen, Amikacin, Carbamezepine, Digoxin, Gentamicin, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Salicylate, Theophylline, Tobramycin, Valproic Acid, Vancomycin.

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