Agarose, 3:1 Super Sieve, IBI Scientific

Supplier: IBI Scientific
IB70052 IB70053
87004-982EA 157.29 USD
87004-982 87004-984
Agarose, 3:1 Super Sieve, IBI Scientific
Electrophoresis Gels Agarose and Acrylamide
3:1 Super-Sieve Agarose is designed to have a larger gel network than IBI Ultra Sieve Agarose and is recommended for use in the separation of DNA fragments smaller than 1500bp

Some features of 3:1 Super-Sieve Agarose include excellent DNA resolution for sharp and finely resolved bands, very low background after EtBr staining, good transference for blotting of DNA fragments 154-2176bp, and very low DNA binding.

The range of separation for DNA bands in a 2.0% gel is 500-1500 bp. The range of separation for DNA in a 4.0% gel is 150-600bp. These ranges are an approximate and were calculated in 1X TAE Buffer.

Gels made with IBI 3:1 Super-Sieve Agarose have a higher gel strength than most competitive products. The gel is exceptionally firm, but still flexible when handled, thus minimizing cracking. IBI 3:1 Super-Sieve Agarose has the same melting and gelling temperature as our molecular biology grade agarose, therefore allowing fast and easy preparation of gels. The 3:1 Super-Sieve Agarose is recommended for all analytical applications, especially when DNA is recovered for subsequent use in enzymatic procedures.
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