Cold Finger Condenser, Microscale, Adjustable, Ace Glass Incorporated

Supplier: Ace Glass
9573-08 9573-20
89075-176EA 22.35 USD
89075-176 89075-178
Cold Finger Condenser, Microscale, Adjustable, Ace Glass Incorporated
Micro cold finger condenser with drip tip on the bottom for directing drops into the well of standard taper 14/10 jointed Hickman Stills

Cold water is introduced into cold finger periodically by means of a Pasteur pipet. Complete item consists of cold finger condenser and multi-purpose vacuum adapter with #7 Ace-Thred that makes compression o-ring seal with cold finger and allows for vertical adjustment. Threaded adapter supplied with nylon bushing and FETFE o-ring. Hose barb for use with 5/16-inch I.D. tubing, size A hose connection. Fabricated from borosilicate glass.

Información para pedidos: Available with cold finger condenser only (89075-176), or complete with cold finger condenser and multi-purpose vacuum adapter with #7 Ace-Thred (89075-178) with bushing and o-ring. For vacuum adapter only, order 89064-824.
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