Economical Stainless Steel Slotted Weight Sets

Supplier: Troemner
30390735 30390733 30390731 30390750 30390729 30390745
97044-284EA 182.32 USD
97044-284 97044-286 97044-288 97044-292 10754-288 10754-320
Economical Stainless Steel Slotted Weight Sets
Weights Calibration Weights
The makeup of economical stainless steel weight sets varies.

Slotted weights 10 to 500 g (0.1 to 5 N) are made of stainless steel, and weights 1 to 5 g are made of aluminum. All slotted weights have an approximate diameter of 1⁵/₈" and have a slot opening width of ¹/₄". A hanger is also available from which you can stack and hang your slotted weights. The overall length of the hanger is approximately 7⁷/₈" with a usable length of 7". The hanger is designed to accept the slotted weights.

Weights are adjusted to tolerances specified by ANSI/ASTM E617 Class 7.
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