PCR Chamber, Plas-Labs™

Supplier: Plas-Labs
825-PCR/HEPA 825-UVC
97000-992EA 8745.35 USD
97000-992 10718-050
PCR Chamber, Plas-Labs™
Fume Hoods and Enclosures PCR Workstation Enclosures
Designed to improve the accuracy of PCR and general tissue culture procedures

The clear, replaceable 13mm (½") thick front viewing panel is effective against beta rays and 32P labeled compounds. Hand knobs on hinged corner doors allow access to the chamber. Electrical sensors turn off power to UV system when door is opened.

Unit significantly reduces the risk of airborne contamination during DNA sequencing. Still air enclosure chamber contains both fluorescent and UV germicidal lamps. This UV system is rated at 254nm and decontaminates all interior surfaces. Lamps should be active 15 minutes before and after use for proper decontamination. Chamber with HEPA filter features a positive pressure external blower rated at <40dBA and a small HEPA filter rated at 99.7% efficiency at 0.3µm.

Información para pedidos: Manufacturer’s one year warranty. Two white acrylic shelves (one constructed to store pipettors) are included. Main housing and top are removable for installation of large research equipment.
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