SP Wilmad-LabGlass Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus, SP Industries

Supplier: SP Industries
LG-6900-108 LG-6900-124 LG-6900-104 LG-6900-128
14205-466EA 871.79 USD
14205-466 14205-528 14205-892 14208-148 14208-670 14208-874
SP Wilmad-LabGlass Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus, SP Industries
Extractors Soxhlet and Soxhlet-Type Extractors
These borosilicate glass Soxhlet extraction apparatus are used for the continuous extraction of solids with a suitable solvent

Complete units are supplied with a flat bottom boiling flask (LG-7230-102, LG-7230-104, or LG-7230-108), a Soxhlet extraction tube and an Allihn condenser. The extractor capacity is the solvent volume held in the extractor to the top of the siphon tube. The siphon tube is protected from accidental damage by the vapor tube. The extractor has a standard taper outer joint at the top for connection to the condenser and a standard taper inner joint at the bottom for connection to the flask.

Información para pedidos: Soxhlet extraction apparatus uses cellulose, glass microfiber or fritted glass extraction thimbles (not supplied).
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