Mobile Equipment Stands, Lakeside

Supplier: Lakeside
356 474 358 466 469 359
19758-043EA 2101.33 USD
19758-043 19758-072 19758-356 19758-358 19758-360 19758-362
Mobile Equipment Stands, Lakeside
Durable and sturdy, versatile carts are ideal for efficient transfer of any kind of maintenance, supply, or bulk item

Note: Capacity is the total cart capacity across all of the shelves with the weight evenly dispersed.

Trucks are equipped with two 12.7cm (5") rubber fixed and two 12.7cm (5") rubber swivel casters for quiet maneuverability and have a recessed handle with wraparound strip bumper. Available either with all shelf edges down or with one edge down and three up.

Información para pedidos: Carts are shipped fully assembled. Custom shelf configurations are available; contact your Avantor sales representative for more information.
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