VWR® ASTM Precision Specific Gravity Hydrometers with Individual Calibration Report, Traceable to NIST

Supplier: VWR International
61898-1011 61898-1111 61898-1211 61898-1311 61898-1811
35123-428EA 664.51 USD
35123-428 35123-450 35123-462 35125-729 35125-751 35125-762 35125-784 35125-809 35123-326 35123-348 35123-370 35123-382 35123-406 35125-649 35125-671 35125-682 35125-707 10186-304 10186-306
VWR® ASTM Precision Specific Gravity Hydrometers with Individual Calibration Report, Traceable to NIST
Available in a variety of individually calibrated models measuring specific gravity of petroleum products and heavy liquids in various ranges from 0.650 to 1.500, in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E100 standards

  • Commonly used in industries such as food and beverage, chemical, pharmacology, transportation, refrigeration and more
  • Calibrated traceable to NIST standards at three specific gravity points; supplied with a detailed calibration report stating corrections to one-tenth of the smallest division
  • Conform to the accuracy requirements of ASTM hydrometers
  • Lead free ballast and glass
  • Individually serialized
  • Temperature standardization: 60°F/60°F
  • Made in the USA

Calibrated and hand inspected by our U.S. quality team in our exclusive triple accredited/registered ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and A2LA Accredited Calibration Laboratory; internationally recognized and accepted by the signatory economies of the ILAC/MRA and located in our ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System registered facility.

Certificaciones: Traceable to NIST.

Envase: Packaged in a recyclable deluxe storage box.

Precaución: Note: ASTM calibrated hydrometers should be stored in a clean, dry, safe place. They should not be subjected to extreme temperatures.
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