Rtx®-1701 GC Columns, Restek

Supplier: Restek
12024 12027 12035 12041 12070 12082 12008 12009 12021 12023 12030 12037 12038 12039 12040 12042 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12056 12066 12010 12011 12025 12059 12069 12072 12085 42012 12020 12026 12055 12057 12088 12058 12073 42202 12023-124 42003 12023-600 42001 42002 42011 42201 12088-126
RK12024EA 974.88 USD
RK12024 RK12027 RK12035 RK12041 RK12070 RK12082 RK12008 RK12009 RK12021 RK12023 RK12030 RK12037 RK12038 RK12039 RK12040 RK12042 RK12050 RK12051 RK12052 RK12053 RK12054 RK12056 RK12066 RK12010 RK12011 RK12025 RK12036 RK12059 RK12069 RK12072 RK12075 RK12085 RK42012 RK12020 RK12026 RK12055 RK12057 RK12088 RK12058 RK12073 10059-544 10060-012 10803-424 10849-244 10849-562 10850-246 10850-248 10850-250 10850-848 75851-742
Rtx®-1701 GC Columns, Restek
Chromatography Columns
For the analysis of pesticides, PCBs, solvents, and drugs.

  • Internal dimensions and film thickness vary between models
  • Low- to mid-polarity column
  • Different elution order from Rtx®-1 or Rtx®-5 columns due to higher polarity

A low- to mid-polarity column with a different elution order than less polar Rtx®-1 or Rtx®-5 columns. Not recommended for strongly acidic compounds since cyano phases may show non-linearity at ppm levels. Phase composition: crossbonded 14% cyanopropylphenyl, 86% dimethylpolysiloxane. Recommended for EPA method 608.
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