Eisco Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus

Supplier: Wards
CH0888A CH0888F CH0888C CH0888B
470344-586EA 98.5 USD
470344-586 470344-816 470345-344 470345-626
Eisco Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus
Extractors Soxhlet and Soxhlet-Type Extractors
Soxhlet extraction apparatus consisting of boiling flask, extractor, and condenser, all made from high quality borosilicate glass.

  • Standard apparatus for the analytical extraction of solids
  • Made from high-quality, borosilicate 3.3 glass with superior heat durability and chemical resistance
  • Interchangeable standard joints
  • Includes boiling flask, extractor chamber and condenser

Soxhlet extraction apparatus is used in the extraction of lipids and other materials from a solid sample when the desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent. It allows for unmonitored and unmanaged operation while efficiently recycling a small amount of solvent to dissolve a larger amount of material. Applications include the production of tinctures, aromatic alcohols, and other products of botanical extraction, food testing, biofuels and environmental analysis of soils, sludge, and wastes. Assembled from three separate sections: Boiling flask, extractor chamber, and condenser. Interchangeable standard joints. Autoclavable, with superior chemical durability. Low temperature gradient - can withstand high temperatures and thermal shocks.

Información para pedidos: Glassware only, support stands and clamps are not included.
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