GelRed® Agarose LE, Biotium

Supplier: Biotium

41029-50G 41029-5G
76403-986EA 326.66 USD
76403-986 76414-950
GelRed® Agarose LE, Biotium
Electrophoresis Gels Agarose and Acrylamide
Ultrapure molecular biology grade agarose pre-coated with GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain for convenient and safer preparation of precast gels.

  • Non-toxic GelRed® DNA/RNA dye is already in the agarose
  • No need to handle concentrated dye solutions, for enhanced safety
  • Use with TAE or TBE for 0.8 to 2% gels
  • Low EEO, ultrapure molecular biology grade agarose

GelRed® Agarose LE is our ultra-pure molecular biology grade LE agarose pre-coated with GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain. There is no need to handle concentrated fluorescent dye while preparing your gel, for greater convenience and safety. For agarose gels from 0.8 to 2% in TAE or TBE.

GelRed® and EtBr have virtually the same spectra, so you can directly replace EtBr with GelRed® without changing your existing imaging system. In addition, GelRed® is far more sensitive than EtBr. GelRed® can be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA, however GelRed® is twice as sensitive for double-stranded than single-stranded nucleic acids. Gel staining with GelRed® is compatible with downstream applications such as sequencing and cloning. GelRed® can be removed from DNA using a gel extraction kit, or by phenol/chloroform extraction followed by ethanol precipitation.
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