EOS Environmentally Friendly Insulated Shippers, Sonoco ThermoSafe

Supplier: Sonoco Thermosafe
76451-944EA 15.03 USD
76451-944 76451-946 76451-948 76451-950
EOS Environmentally Friendly Insulated Shippers, Sonoco ThermoSafe
Mailers and Shippers
Environmentally friendly insulated shippers offer ISTA 7E Thermal Performance, with 2 to 8° C seasonal packout.

  • Curbside recyclable product
  • Soft cushioning to help protect container contents
  • EOS is available in a range of sizes, from small to extra large

The entire knock-down package can be placed into a recycle bin, making it very easy to dispose of by the customer as ordinary recyclable trash.

Información accesorios: PP24 are required for 2 to 8 degree celsius packout.
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