Color Lab Tape

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76275-734RL 19.52 USD
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Color Lab Tape
Laboratory tape is available in a range of colors, ideal for color-coding. This general use color lab tape can be inscribed for labeling plastic, glass, cardboard, and metal surfaces.

  • Temperature range: −80 to +120 °C (−112 to +248 °F)
  • Available in a wide range of colors and widths, for easy identification and color-coding
  • Ideal for all general use applications in the lab
  • Continuous tape format allows use of as much or little as necessary
  • Resistant to gamma irradiation (tested to up to 50kGy)

Available in an assortment of eye-catching colors and various widths, perfect for color-coding and general lab use. Can be written with permanent markers and ball-point pens for easy and quick identification of cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal surfaces.
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