Quantum™ Simply Cellular® Microspheres, Bangs Laboratories

Supplier: Bangs Laboratories
815A 817 816A 816B 817A 815B 816
MSPP-815AEA 1347.69 USD
MSPP-815A MSPP-817 MSPP-816A MSPP-816B MSPP-817A MSPP-815B MSPP-816
Quantum™ Simply Cellular® Microspheres, Bangs Laboratories
Beads Microcarriers
Quantum™ Simply Cellular® (QSC) microspheres are used in the quantitative analysis of cellular antigen expression. When stained with the same antibody that is used to label cells, they permit determination of the Antibody Binding Capacity (ABC) of the cells.

  • QSC kit consists of 5 bead populations - 1 blank and 4 with increasing levels of Fc-specific capture antibody

These kits are comprised of five microsphere populations that are 7 to 9 µm in diameter: one blank and four labeled with increasing amounts of antibody. Each coated population binds a specific number of monoclonal antibodies of the noted species, which is equal to its Antibody Binding Capacity (ABC) value. The investigator labels QSC beads using the same antibodies used to stain cells. The free QuickCal® analysis template aids in determining the expression level of cells, and for evaluating instrument linearity and detection threshold.

The coated populations are calibrated in terms of their ABC for monoclonal antibodies, and beads are labeled to saturation with the same monoclonal that is used to label cells. Beads are run in the same type of suspending solution/medium, on the same instrument, at the same instrument settings (PMT voltages, compensation settings), and on the same day as cell samples.

Información para pedidos: Quantum™ Simply Cellular® kits are available in two sizes: A (20 tests), B (100 tests). A free QuickCal® analysis template is provided with each kit.
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