NEBNext® Ultra™ II FS DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina, New England Biolabs

Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)

E7805S E7805L
103529-140EA 680 USD
103529-140 103529-168
NEBNext® Ultra™ II FS DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina, New England Biolabs
Nucleic Acid Reagents Next Generation Sequencing Reagents

The NEBNext® Ultra™ II FS DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina provides a fragmentation system that is a fast and reliable solution for DNA fragmentation and library construction.

  • Perform fragmentation, end repair and dA-tailing with a single enzyme mix
  • Experience reliable fragmentation with a single protocol, regardless of DNA input amount or GC content
  • Generate high yields with increased reaction efficiencies and minimized sample loss
  • Use with DNA in standard buffers (TE, Tris-HCl) and water
  • Save time with a streamlined workflow: ~2.5 hours, with <15 minutes hands-on time
  • Vary incubation time to generate a wide range of insert sizes

A new DNA fragmentation reagent is combined with end repair and dA-tailing reagents, allowing these steps to be performed in the same tube, with no clean-ups or sample loss. The same fragmentation protocol is used for any input amount (100 to 500 ng), or GC content.

Información de suministro: kit includes the NEBNext Ultra II Ligation Master Mix for adaptor ligation, the NEBNext Ultra II Q5® Master Mix for uniform, high-fidelity library amplification, and the gold standard SPRIselect size selection and clean-up beads.

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