Vigreux Distilling Columns, 24/40 Joint, United Scientific Supplies

Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
76293-458EA 61.25 USD
76293-458 76293-460 76293-462 76293-464
Vigreux Distilling Columns, 24/40 Joint, United Scientific Supplies
Distillation Components Distillation Columns
Vigreux distilling columns for cooling and condensing.

  • Features downward pointing indentations to improve cooling
  • 24/40 sockets

A Vigreux column is a type of air condenser where the simple tube has been modified to include an abundance of downward-pointing indentations. This dramatically increases the surface area per unit length of the condenser.

Información de suministro: Includes a 24/40 connector.
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