Lympholyte® Mammal Cell Separation Media, Cedar Lane Laboratories

Supplier: Cedar Lane
CL5115 CL5110
MSPP-CL5115EA 166.15 USD
Lympholyte® Mammal Cell Separation Media, Cedar Lane Laboratories
Cell Separation Media
Lympholyte® cell separation media is a density separation medium specifically designed for the isolation of viable lymphocytes and monocytes from the peripheral blood of most mammalian species. It consists of sodium diatrizoate combined with dextran to induce erythrocyte aggregation and reduce platelet aggregation resulting in a higher yield of lymphocytes and monocytes.

  • Composition: Dextran and sodium diatrizoate
  • Density: 1.086 ±0.001 g/cm3 at 22 °C
  • pH: 6.9 ±0.3
  • Viability/Purity: Recovery of viable lymphocytes 40 to 50%, erythrocyte contamination < 5%

Lympholyte® cell separation media can be utilized with a simple protocol for the elimination of erythrocytes and dead cells from the blood of most mammalian species. It is also removes the majority of granulocytes (including neutrophils). The resulting cell population demonstrates a high and non-selective recovery of viable lymphocytes and monocytes.
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