Anti-CDKN1B Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF568) [clone: DCS-72.F6]

Supplier: Biotium

BNC680771-100 BNC680771-500
75967-268EA 205.77 USD
75967-268 75967-270
Anti-CDKN1B Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF568) [clone: DCS-72.F6]
This antibody recognizes a 27 kDa protein, identified as the p27Kip1, a cell cycle regulatory mitotic inhibitor. Its epitope spans between aa 83-204 of p27. It is highly specific and shows no cross-reaction with other related mitotic inhibitors. p27Kip1 functions as a negative regulator of G1 progression and has been proposed to function as a possible mediator of TGF- induced G1 arrest. p27Kip1 is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. This MAb co-precipitates cdk4 in complex p27Kip1 and is excellent for staining of formalin-fixed tissues.

CF® dyes are Biotium's next-generation fluorescent dyes.More Product Information
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