FailSafe™ PCR Enzyme and 2X Premix Buffers, PCR Optimization Components, Biosearch Technologies


FSE5101K FSE51100 FSP995F FSP995G FSP995H FSP995I FSP995J FSP995K FSP995A FSP995B FSP995C FSP995D FSP995E FSP995L
76081-638EA 4174.6 USD
76081-638 76081-640 76081-664 76081-666 76081-668 76081-670 76081-672 76081-674 76085-636 76085-638 76085-640 76085-642 76085-644 76085-646
FailSafe™ PCR Enzyme and 2X Premix Buffers, PCR Optimization Components, Biosearch Technologies
Nucleic Acid Reagents End-point PCR Enzymes and Kits

Purchase individual FailSafe™ DNA polymerase and/or FailSafe™ 2X PreMix Buffers here

  • Trusted: The same great performance as the FailSafe™ PCR System, but available as individual components
  • Flexible: Purchase any combination of FailSafe™ enzyme and/or 2X PreMixes you desire

This listing is only for reordering of individual FailSafe™ PCR 2X PreMixes or the standalone FailSafe™ DNA polymerase

Before purchasing these components, we strongly recommend first optimizing your PCR reaction conditions using the complete FailSafe™ PCR System in order to know which components to purchase based on their performance.

See the FailSafe™ PCR Systems webpage for more details on this system and PCR components.

Certificaciones: For research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Información para pedidos: Each component listed here can be ordered separately and at any quantity. Each 2X Premix includes dNTPs, buffer, and various amounts of MgCl2 and FailSafe™ PCR Enhancer with Betaine

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