10X TAE (Tris-Acetate EDTA), pH 8.3


MRGF-4200 MRGF-4201 MRGF-4200-010L MRGF-4200-010Q MRGF-4200-020Q
75800-922CS 915.14 USD
75800-922 75800-924 75800-926 75800-928 75800-930 75800-932
10X TAE (Tris-Acetate EDTA), pH 8.3
Buffers Electrophoresis Buffers Running Buffers

TAE buffer is used in agarose gel electrophoresis and Polyacrylamide gels both as a buffer and a component of a gel

Can be used for both genomic and large supercoiled DNA. TAE buffer has a relatively low buffering capacity therefore buffer should be replaced periodicly during long electrophoresis runs. Offered in different concentration for all common biological applications.

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