Acetylcholine Assay Kits, Cell Biolabs

Supplier: Cell Biolabs

STA-602 STA-603
102965-208EA 578.46 USD
102965-208 102965-210
Acetylcholine Assay Kits, Cell Biolabs
Assays Enzyme Assays

Cell Biolabs’ Acetylcholine Assay Kits are a simple fluorometric or colorimetric assay that measures the amount of acetylcholine present in plasma or serum, tissue homogenates, or cell suspensionsin a 96-well microtiter plate format.  Each kit provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 96 assays, including blanks, acetylcholine standards and samples.  Sample acetylcholine concentrations are determined by comparison with a known acetylcholine standard.

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