Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi B31) Line Immunoassay Confirmation Blots (IgM, IgG), Gold Standard Diagnostics

Supplier: Gold Standard Diagnostics
GSD01-1023 GSD01-1022
10662-286KT 1047.05 USD
10662-286 76026-462 76026-468
Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi B31) Line Immunoassay Confirmation Blots (IgM, IgG), Gold Standard Diagnostics
Blotting Kits
Improve Lyme disease confirmation testing with easy-to-use Line Immunoassay (LIA) test strips from Gold Standard Diagnostics

The LIA strips contain specific Borrelia burgdorferi antigen proteins that serve as markers for general infection and for specific disease stages (early, disseminated and late stage). Both the IgG and IgM line blots are substantially equivalent to traditional Western Blot technology, but offer advancements in usability and objectivity through use of Line Immunoassay technology.

GSD’s LIA test strips offer numerous enhancements including improved sensitivity and specificity, consistent results, large lot sizes, easier handling and automation options.

Compared to traditional “Western blots”, the GSD LIA strips offer simple procedure, intuitive interpretation, easy handling, durability, sharply-defined antigen strips and easy automation. GSD’s IgG and IgM LIA strips satisfy CDC recommendations for confirmation testing.

Certificaciones: FDA 510(K) Cleared: IgM (K113846), IgG (K113847)

Información para pedidos: Kits include 32 nitrocellulose strips stabilized on a plastic foil, sorted in a booklet, numbered by strip and lot number (ready to use), Dilution/Wash Buffer (10x), Negative, Positive and Cut-Off Controls (ready to use), Conjugate (100x) and Substrate (ready to use).
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