Drying Apparatus, Modified Abderhalden with 60 mm Flange, Ace Glass

Supplier: Ace Glass
6693-04 6693-07 6693-40
89055-754EA 534.83 USD
89055-754 89055-756 89055-758
Drying Apparatus, Modified Abderhalden with 60 mm Flange, Ace Glass
Desiccators Desiccators, Glass
This modified Abderhalden drying apparatus features a 60mm I.D

flat flange and a quick release stainless steel clamp in place of the joint connection normally found between the chambers. The flange on the drying chamber has a groove for a silicone o-ring to make a leak-tight seal with flat flange on desiccant tube. Joints on condenser and flask are a [ST] 24/40. Fabricated from borosilicate glass.

Información para pedidos: Complete item includes 89055-754 drying chamber; 89055-756 desiccant tube; 89053-914 West condenser (300mm length); 89056-236 flask (300mL); 71000-160 silicone o-ring; and 89055-106 stainless steel 60mm clamp. Individual items may be purchased separately.
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