Still, Short Path, Minimum Hold-Up, Ace Glass

Supplier: Ace Glass
9315-08 9315-05 9315-10
89074-350EA 19.7 USD
89074-350 89074-354 89074-370
Still, Short Path, Minimum Hold-Up, Ace Glass
Distillation Components Distillation Sets
This short path, minimum hold-up still is supplied with a one-piece, 89074-366 "cow" receiver with four 3 mL arms

Also available is an optional 89074-356 cow receiver that accommodates four 89074-912, 5mL mini-flasks. Standard taper joint sizes are 14/20, with a spherical 18/10 joint on the tube adapter and flask side neck. Gas inlet tube is positioned in the distillation flask with a 89051-100 Ace-Thred adapter. Use with a 5/16-inch I.D. tubing. Fabricated from borosilicate glass.

Información para pedidos: Complete apparatus includes 89074-354 still body; 89074-366 "cow" receiver; 10 mL 89074-930 distillation flask; 89074-350 gas inlet tube; and 89051-100 #7 Ace-Thred adapter. Optional components include 89074-356 "cow" receiver with four [ST] 14/20 inner joints and 5 mL 89074-912 receiver flasks (four will be required to connect to the aforementioned receiver). Individual components may be purchased separately.
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