You Searched For: Pure and Ultra Pure Water Systems
880 results were found
Analytical Chemistry Lab Equipment & Instruments
Analytical Chemistry Solutions Avantor Analytical Chemistry No matter what methods or technology you use Avantor offers a comprehensive catalog of the equipment reagents chemicals consumables tools and other products you need every day. We have ev...
Downstream process bottlenecks | Avantor
Downstream Process Bottlenecks Downstream process bottlenecks refer to the challenges and limitations that can hamper the efficiency and productivity of the purification and isolation steps in biopharmaceutical production. These bottlenecks can ar...
Why Is Wastewater Treatment Important?
Why Is Wastewater Treatment Important? The world’s eight billion people create a lot of wastewater — another word for sewage — enough that the natural water purification process is insufficient on its own to remove the harmful chemicals that cause...
Returnable containers
Returnable containers In addition to familiar bottles cans and drums Honeywell offers innovative returnable containers that maintain solvent and reagent quality while increasing lab efficiency. The containers are made of high quality stainless ste...
Cole-Parmer® Masterf
Cole-Parmer® Masterflex® tubing and pumps Improve fluid conditions and productivity in your lab with a Masterflex solution. From low-cost fixed-speed pumps to advanced-controlled models suitable for critical metering and dispensing applications Ma...
~~Liquid Pump Installation Information~~
Liquid Pump Installation Information Relation of Pressure to Elevation In a static liquid (a body of liquid at rest) the pressure difference between any two points is in direct proportion only to the vertical distance between the points. Calculate...
Liquid Pump Installation Information
Liquid Pump Installation Information Relation of Pressure to Elevation In a static liquid (a body of liquid at rest) the pressure difference between any two points is in direct proportion only to the vertical distance between the points. Calculate...
Accurate, Quality Analysis with the Sapphire
Accurate Quality Analysis with the Sapphire The next generation lab imaging platform. This system supports long and short wavelengths of near infrared fluorescence (NIR) red/green/blue (RGB) imaging chemiluminescent imaging phosphor imaging as wel...
Water Testing and Sampling
Water Testing and Sampling Aquatic Sampling Nets and Kits Colorimeters and Turdbidity Meters Conductivity/TDS Meters and Supplies Dissolved Oxygen Meters Flowmeters and Bottom Samplers Multifactor Water Test Kits Multiparameter Meters Ph Meters an...
HydraFlock® and PurFlock® Ultra™ Specimen Collection Devices
HydraFlock® and PurFlock® Ultra™ Specimen Collection Devices A new era in flock swab technology! Specifically engineered for a wide range of biological specimens. HydraFlock®’s three-dimensional microstructure design facilitates greater specimen c...
Final fill for gene therapy
Final fill for gene therapy Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an...
Ricca Chemical Company
Ricca Chemical Company One-Stop Shop for Solutions Standards and Reagents For more than 45 years RICCA Chemical Company has been the premier choice for solutions standards and reagents within the scientific community. Our growth and success have b...
Atomic Spectroscopy Consumables
Atomic Spectroscopy Consumables PerkinElmer is the world leader in atomic spectroscopy solutions for atomic absorption (AA) inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS...
Industrial Solutions
Industrial Solutions VWR is proud of our experience serving the Industrial market with product choice and excellent service for many years. We have the privilege of serving various established and growing industries – noted below to name a few. Pe...
Masterflex® Tubing Pump Systems FAQs
Masterflex® Tubing Pump Systems FAQ Creating the perfect laboratory ecosystem is not a matter to take lightly. And it isn’t always easy which is why we’re committed to not only supplying the best in biologics products but also answering questions ...
Masterflex Integrated Pump Systems: An Easier Solution
Masterflex Integrated Pump Systems: An Easier Solution Ordering a pump system can be rigorous and time-consuming. Selecting just the right drive pump head tubing pressure gauges flowmeters and other components takes careful consideration. Once the...
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