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You Searched For: Pontacyl violet 6R

3  results were found

PUREZERO* Life Science Gloves

PUREZERO* Life Science Gloves PUREZERO* Life Science Nitrile Gloves deliver on all fronts: Barrier Protection - tested against 57 chemicals and up to 14 chemotherapy drugs 3 levels of color coded protection with increasing thickness designed for L...

CytoFLEX Features

CytoFLEX Features Quality performance multiple configurations for real power on your benchtop The high-performance CytoFLEX system offers scalable detection capabilities for up-to three lasers and 13-color research flow cytometry right on your ben...

Sterilizing Fittings: The Critical Factors

Sterilizing Fittings: The Critical Factors Consider several important factors when choosing a fitting for an application: the size and connection style chemical compatibility and certification/approval requirements. These factors alone can be chal...