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You Searched For: Methoxypolyethylene+glycol+amine

15  results were found

NovaClean™ Family of Cleanroom Detergents

NovaClean™ Family of Cleanroom Detergents Nonionic detergents remove particles and residues common in cleanrooms and critical laboratories. With low salts and metals in the ppb range these cleanroom detergents are ideal for semiconductor electroni...

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing Advantages: Specially formulated to transport hydrocarbons petroleum products and distillates. Suitable for gasoline kerosene heating oils cutting fluids and glycol-based coolants. Minimum extractability....

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Masterflex® tubing pumps are ideal for pumping chemicals. The pe...

Building Blocks

Building Blocks Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of other elements including hydrogen (most ...

Where Science Meets

Where Science Meets Service Alfa Aesar is a leading brand of chemicals metals & catalysts and life science products. For more than 50 years scientists have relied on Alfa Aesar brand products for a variety of applications. Today there are over 380...

Organic Building Blo

Organic Building Blocks and Intermediates Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of other elements...

Histology Equipment and Supplies

Histology Equipment and Supplies Histology is the study of the microscopic structure of cells and tissues. There are various techniques and methods for preparing tissues for examination by microscope. For microscopic study staining is used as an i...

Microchem by AlphaTec Chemical Permeation Guide 20

Chemical Permeation Guide What is permeation? Permeation is the process by which a potentially hazardous chemical moves through a material on a molecular level. Molecules of chemical adsorb onto the outer surface of the material. They then enter a...

Ansell Chemical Glove Resistance Guide Aug 2016

CHEMICAL GLOVE RESISTANCE GUIDE DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Permeation is a process by which a chemical can pass through a protective film without going through pinholes pores or other visible openings. Individual molecules of the chemical enter the f...

Preserved Specimens FAQs

Preserved Specimens FAQs How do you obtain your specimens? Specimens are acquired from suppliers worldwide. Is the acquisition of specimens regulated? The US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Department of Agriculture both monitor the trade in ...

Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing

Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing With greater regulatory focus in the pharmaceutical industry attention increasingly turns to the rationale for various guidelines standards and specifications and their role as blueprin...

VWR International

VWR International | VWR Hidden_link Hidden_link2 Hidden_link3 Keep my session open? Ending In  Yes No The session is expired Log in Ok I'll continue as logged out Your session has expired. For your security we have logged you out. Would you like t...

Hichrom International Catalogue 9 33 57

33 LC Colum n Selection – C18 Reversed-Phase M aterials • • Tel: +44 (0) 118 930 3660 Hichrom Lim ited C18 Reversed-Phase Materials SPECIFICATIONS OF C18 BONDED RP MATERIALS Octadecyl (ODS) or C18 bonded phase...

Determination of Pestcide Residues in Red Wine The

1 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection Mike Oliver Thermo Scientific Runcorn UK This application presents a fast easy and cost-effective method for the determination of...

Three Types of Antibodies for Western Blot

Three Types of Antibodies for Western Blot Types of antibodies for western blot In general various types of antibodies for western blot are used to detect and visualize specific proteins of interest. The primary antibodies are the key components t...