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You Searched For: Salinomycin+sodium+salt

96  results were found


Alcohols From 100 mL bottles to 200 L drums Spectrum manufactures and packages alcohol in convenient laboratory-sized proportions up to commercial production scale. Where many competitors only test to USP standards Spectrum Chemical goes further t...

pH Meter Accessories

pH Meter Accessories VWR offers a wide assortment of products and brands in this category. If you cannot find the product or brand that you are looking for in this listing please use the general search field in the top-left corner of the screen to...


Filtration Dissolved foodstuffs are often very difficult to filter due to the amount of relatively large particulate material present in the solution. Depending on the application and analytical technique involved products including folded filter ...

Monoclonal Antibody Production Processes

Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing Processes The monoclonal antibody manufacturing process plays an important role in producing therapeutic antibodies widely used in treating diseases such as cancer autoimmune disorders and other infectious disease...

Charging & Storage Solutions

Charging & Storage Solutions Build Your Complete Probeware Tablet and Storage Solution Shop the Ward’s Mobile Charging Cart Store Organize & Charge Up to 16 Ward’s DataHub Units + Up to 16 Tablet Computers Compatible with iPad Android and Ward's S...

Non-binding Microplates

Non-binding Microplates High quality microplates with well-defined properties are essential prerequisites for reproducible results in advanced drug discovery. In addition to format and pigmentation determining the best microplate surface for use w...

~~EOM Sodium final~~

1 All About Elements: Sodium | 800-962-2660 2 Ward’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essent...

Solutions for your applications - analytical chemistry

Solutions for your applications - analytical chemistry Avantor Analytical Chemistry No matter what methods or technology you use Avantor offers a comprehensive catalog of the equipment reagents chemicals consumables tools and other products you ne...

~~EOM Sodium final~~

1 All About Elements: Sodium | 800-962-2660 2 Ward’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essent...

Industrial Microbiology

Industrial Microbiology There is more to safety than meets the eye Dehydrated Culture Media and Immunological Lateral Flow Tests for Traditional and Rapid Pathogen Detection. Related Information: Literature Current Promotions Pathogen Testing: EMD...

All About Elements

All About Elements Ward's All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essential part of any chemistry classroom or science lab but have you ever stopped to wond...

Specialty Inorganic

Specialty Inorganic Compounds Inorganics in general are ionic compounds consisting of cations and anions joined by ionic bonding. Examples of inorganics (which are ionic compounds) are magnesium chloride MgCl2 or sodium oxide Na2O. Important salts...

Specialty Inorganic Compounds

Specialty Inorganic Compounds Inorganics in general are ionic compounds consisting of cations and anions joined by ionic bonding. Examples of inorganics (which are ionic compounds) are magnesium chloride MgCl2 or sodium oxide Na2O. Important salts...

Sample Preparation

Sample Preparation Many techniques require sample pre-treatment. VWR has a large offering of equipment consumables and chemicals that will help with this task. Product selection Lab Notebook Note it! A variety of tools for the lab... Water Purific...

Organic Building Blo

Organic Building Blocks and Intermediates Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of other elements...

Building Blocks

Building Blocks Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of other elements including hydrogen (most ...
1 - 16 of 96