You Searched For: Decontaminants
29 results were found
Equipment and enclosure Bio-decontamination with Bioquell Technology
Equipment and enclosure Bio-decontamination with Bioquell Technology Disinfect equipment or small enclosure systems and more using Ecolab’s Bioquell bio-decontamination systems. Bio-decontamination can be achieved through quick and direct connecti...
The Ideal Workstation for Sterility Testing
The Ideal Workstation for Sterility Testing Create an ISO 5 / Grade A equivalent workspace nearly anywhere in your facility with the Bioquell Qube isolator. Host the Bioquell Qube outside of a Grade A environment to save space in the cleanroom red...
~~Sample Type Cleaning Guide~~
Thermo Scientific Nalgene™ Cleaning Supplies are built to withstand daily use in busy labs thanks to their rugged construction from plastic materials designed for repeated chemical exposure. From sink to autoclave to pans baskets buckets waste dis...
Room Bio-decontamination with Bioquell Technology
Room Bio-decontamination with Bioquell Technology Ecolab utilizes Bioquell Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant (EPA Registration Number: 72372-1-86703) to help eliminate microbial contamination from surfaces. This sterilant is emitted in a vapor form thro...
Ecolab Life Sciences Products and Solutions
Ecolab Life Sciences Products and Solutions Ecolab Life Sciences offers unparalleled cleaning and advanced contamination control expertise to pharmaceutical and personal care manufacturers across the globe. We offer quality cleaning chemistry and ...
Decontaminant and Detergent Products
Decontaminant and Detergent Products Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) are an increasingly common issue for hospitalized patients causing over one-third of all hospital-acquired infections in surgical patients according to the NIH. Since every stage...
Cell and Gene Therapy Contamination Control Strategy for Any Stage
Cell and Gene Therapy Contamination Control Strategy for Any Stage With new regulatory standards being introduced as the field advances the Cell and Gene Therapy industry provides a unique challenge to navigate. Compliance very often relies on a c...
Isolator with integrated Bioquell bio-decontamination technology
Isolator with integrated Bioquell bio-decontamination technology The Bioquell Qube delivers efficiency reliability and ease of implementation to your aseptic environment. An aseptic environment is created within the Bioquell Qube using Ecolab’s in...
Calibration Express
Calibration Express Sartorius Liquid Handling mail-in pipette calibration services are designed to provide high-quality pipette calibration with simplified options. Transit boxes and forms combine with a 48 hour turnaround time at a state-of-the-a...
Sklar Instruments
Sklar Instruments The right job calls for the right tool and with Sklar's product line of more than 19000 unique patterns of precision-crafted stainless steel surgical instruments and accessories you can trust that you’ll find the perfect fit for ...
Captair Flow Clean Air Encosures for an ultra-clean, ISO 5 Environment
Captair Flow Clean Air Encosures for an ultra-clean ISO 5 Environment Erlab’s Captair Flow Clean Air Enclosures are designed to prevent cross-contamination for applications such as non-pathogenic cell cultures in-vitro cultures microbiology homeop...
Accredited Thermometer Recertification & Calibration Services
Accredited Thermometer Recertification & Calibration Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Avantor Services offers recertification calibration and repair services for all makes and models of thermom...
Controlled Environment & Cleanroom Product Solutions by Industry
Solutions by Industry — Controlled Environment and Cleanroom Product Cleanrooms and controlled environments are very much alike but the specifications for each differ in severity. While controlled environments largely entail the control of factors...
Weight Calibration
Weight Calibration Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Avantor Services offers weight calibration by ISO/IEC 17025 NVLAP-Accredited laboratories to support accuracy in your research processes. To order cal...
Featured qPCR products qPCR stands for Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and is a technique which monitors in real-time the enzymatic amplification of a targeted sequence of DNA. Analysis of the resultant amplification curves inform...
Gene Editing Technology, Tools and Resources | VWR
Gene Editing Technology Tools and Resources Gene Editing is the application area concerned with the intentional alteration of the DNA sequence of a plasmid cell or organism. Gene editing encompasses numerous methods including mutagenesis restricti...
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