You Searched For: 5-Amino-2-methylbenzoic+acid
322 results were found
Three Types of Antibodies for Western Blot
Three Types of Antibodies for Western Blot Types of antibodies for western blot In general various types of antibodies for western blot are used to detect and visualize specific proteins of interest. The primary antibodies are the key components t...
The Role of Filtration in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
The Role of Filtration in the Biopharmaceutical Industry Filtration holds immense importance in the biopharmaceutical industry where it plays a crucial role in removing contaminants from desired products and ensuring their sterility. Since pharmac...
Atomic Spectroscopy Products for Analytical Chemistry
Atomic Spectroscopy Avantor Atomic Spectroscopy Avantor carries a complete selection of spectrometers other equipment accessories and supplies that analysts in your lab need every day to help them identify and quantify materials by examining their...
Molecular Spectroscopy Instruments & Products
Molecular Spectroscopy Instruments Avantor Molecular Spectroscopy Avantor offers a wide range of spectroscopes equipment products and supplies that analysts in your laboratory need every day to help them to identify and measure the composition of ...
HALO® 1.5 MM ID HPLC Columns
HALO® 1.5 MM ID HPLC Columns The New HALO® 1.5 - Defining a New Dimension in Chromatography The adoption of UHPLC instrumentation pushed LC separations to a new level of speed and resolution. In the years since chromatographers continue to push se...
Food & Beverage Chromatography Products by Thermo Scientific
Food & Beverage Chromatography Products Whether you are testing for contaminants or developing a new production process we are here to help. Our innovative Thermo Scientific™ products and range of solutions allow you to deliver safe high-quality f...
Advanced Battery Science – Chemicals & Raw Materials
Advanced Battery Science – Chemicals & Raw Materials Avantor offers thousands of chemicals suitable for a multitude of analytical applications in R&D from our key brands – guaranteed high-quality chemicals and reproducible performance from batch t...
Battery Materials Production
Battery Materials Production Battery Materials Production Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Current Li-ion batteries consist of largely four main components: cathode anode electrolyte and separator. The catho...
Avantor solid phase extraction products
Avantor solid phase extraction products Trust Avantor J.T.Baker® brand solid phase extraction products for faster more precise separations superior reproducibility and accurate results in your analytical chromatography applications. Product select...
Hichrom International Catalogue 9 33 57
33 LC Colum n Selection – C18 Reversed-Phase M aterials • • Tel: +44 (0) 118 930 3660 Hichrom Lim ited C18 Reversed-Phase Materials SPECIFICATIONS OF C18 BONDED RP MATERIALS Octadecyl (ODS) or C18 bonded phase...
Gas Chromatography Applications for Analytical Chemistry
Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography Gas Chromatography (GC) is a technique for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition and is widely used in environmental testing and forensic science as well as for Pharma ...
~~36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Labsupplies Checklists~~
PRODUCT CHECKLIST Lab supplies ☐ Aluminum Foil ☐ Bags Autoclavable Biohazard Resealable Sample Specimen Sterile Stomacher Trash ☐ Bench Protectors ☐ Bottle-Top Dispensers ☐ Brushes ☐ Bulbs ☐ Bunsen Burners ☐ Carts Hand Trucks ☐ Cell Counters ☐ Cel...
MycoAlert-Inst-General_INST-LT07-118 All trademarks herein are marks of Lonza Group or its subsidiaries. Developed by Lonza Nottingham Ltd. Page 1 of 7 U.S. Scientific Support: 800-521-0390 EU/ROW Scienti...
MycoAlert-Inst-General_INST-LT07-118 All trademarks herein are marks of Lonza Group or its subsidiaries. Developed by Lonza Nottingham Ltd. Page 1 of 7 U.S. Scientific Support: 800-521-0390 EU/ROW Scienti...
Flexible, Modular Design
Flexible Modular Design Choose Only the Sensors You Need Because each sensor is available separately you have the freedom to purchase combination of sensors that works for you and add more if you need them or as funding allows. Complete Selection ...
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry AP Chemistry The ONLY kits aligned with new AP Chemistry Science Practices and completely re-designed to help you transition your AP Chemistry curriculum with confidence. The ONLY kits that meet the Seven Science Practices backed by e...
193 - 208 of 322