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811  results were found

WebSeal Well Plates for Food & Beverage Solutions

WebSeal Well Plates by Thermo Scientific A comprehensive range of PP well plates. Our plate portfolio contains well plates which meets the requirements of today’s chromatographer using autosampler for plates. Compatible with a broad range of instr...

VeriSpec® AA, ICP, ICP/MS, Ion Chromatography and Organic Standards

VeriSpec® AA ICP ICP/MS Ion Chromatography and Organic Standards RICCA Chemical Company provides AA ICP ICP/MS Ion Chromatography and Organic Standards that meet the ISO 17034 and ISO 17025 requirements with our line of VeriSpec® certified referen...


Webseal A comprehensive range of PP well plates. Our plate portfolio contains well plates which meets the requirements of today’s chromatographer using autosampler for plates. Compatible with a broad range of instruments our well plate range offer...

WebSeal Well Plates for Clinical Solutions

WebSeal Well Plates by Thermo Scientific A comprehensive range of well plate solutions enabling high sample integrity for high density sample handling in chromatography. Product selection Hypersil Columns Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ columns ...

Metal trace analysis (High purity acids, AAS and ICP Standards)

Metal trace analysis (High purity acids AAS and ICP Standards) Metal trace analysis In metal analysis elemental evidence is now gathered from the tiniest traces in the ppm ppb and ppt ranges with sophisticated instrumentation like AAS ICP-OES or m...

Ricca High Purity Water

Ricca High Purity Water Put the simplicity back into water with RICCA. RICCA is the premier choice for all your water needs. We offer the broadest line of water types packaging and testing configurations. Our state of the art water and quality sys...

SureSTART Autosampler Vials and Wellplates

SureSTART Autosampler Vials and Wellplates 3 distinct performance levels-differentiated by performance and value-make selecting the right Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ product simple clear and easy. Power to extend your consumables budget Realize ...

Protein sample preparation for mass spectrometry

Protein Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Protein sample preparation In order to run a successful mass spectrometry analysis you will need to properly prepare your sample. This includes a number of steps that may be specialized depending on...

Determination of Pestcide Residues in Red Wine The

1 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection Mike Oliver Thermo Scientific Runcorn UK This application presents a fast easy and cost-effective method for the determination of...

White Papers and Detailed Investigations

White Papers and Detailed Investigations White Papers and Detailed Investigations You can learn more about a particular area of chromatography. We have a range of educational information available for you. Data Integrity in the Context of HPLC Dat...

Atomic Spectroscopy Consumables

Atomic Spectroscopy Consumables PerkinElmer is the world leader in atomic spectroscopy solutions for atomic absorption (AA) inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS...

VWR Chemicals BDH®

VWR Chemicals BDH® For more than a century the comprehensive range of BDH® reagents in North America have stood for versatility and value as analytical tools for laboratory research field testing and quality control in a variety of demanding appli...


Chromatography Innovative Solutions for all Applications Since the early days of chromatography MilliporeSigma has introduced numerous products that have been recognized as milestones in the development of chromatography technology. This spirit of...

Analytical Sample Prep

Analytical Sample Prep Critical decisions are often based on the results of your analytical QC testing. Confidence in those results comes from using products that are proven to perform as expected. With high-quality filters for sample preparation ...

Advanced Battery Science – Equipment & Instruments

Advanced Battery Science – Equipment & Instruments Advanced Battery Science – Equipment & Instruments Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor distributes a myriad of laboratory and process equipment and ins...

Masterflex Ismatec® tubing cassettes: CA and MS/CA types

Masterflex Ismatec® tubing cassettes: CA and MS/CA types Ismatec Click 'n' Go™ Cassettes allow for easy and rapid tubing exchange for peristaltic pumps. There are two types of tubing cassettes available: CA style cassettes for 2-stop peristaltic t...
1 - 16 of 811