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176  results were found

Anachemia Mining Lab Equipment, Supplies & Products

Mining Lab Supplies & Equipment Request your Mining Lab Supplies Catalog Refining Morganite carbon bonded silicon carbide crucibles for metal melting... Contact Chemicals VWR is a manufacturer of laboratory chemicals and have a complete line of ac...

Standard Pipe Thread Fittings

Standard Pipe Thread Fittings American Standard Taper Pipe Threads (NPT) Nominal size (inside diameter) Actual OD Threads per inch Length of engagement (tightened by hand) Hand tight turns Wrench makeup turns Length of effective thread 1/16 0.3125...

Sanborn Manufacturing Facility

Sanborn Manufacturing Facility The HEPES manufacturing suite at our 60000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Sanborn NY USA. Core Capabilities Custom manufacturing of biological buffers amino acid derivatives and custom antibiotic solutions Industr...

Upstream Gene Therapy Products & Solutions in Bioprocessing

Upstream Gene Therapy Products & Solutions in Bioprocessing Achieve optimal generation of gene therapy vectors with our non-viral transfection and viral transduction products. Avantor® can provide culture systems that support processes development...

GraphEx Cut Protection

GraphEx Cut Protection SW® has brought its innovation and hand health mindset to cut-resistant gloves. Our new products are developed in the service of protecting workers and giving them more comfort and confidence to make them more successful eve...

Kjeldahl Analysis

Kjeldahl Analysis Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations are performed on a variety of food substances. The Kjeldahl method may be broken down into three main steps: digestion distillation and titration. 1. Digestion: is accomplished by boiling a homoge...

Downstream purification for cell therapy

Downstream purification for cell therapy Comparing downstream purification approaches between cell therapies and other biologics is quite different. Methods required to obtain the final cell dose with the required quality parameters include: Centr...

Final fill for cell therapy

Final fill for cell therapy The cell therapy drug product is configured in different ways depending on the required delivery of the cells/tissues. For example delivery of chondrocytes for cartilage repair is administered by an injection. Expanded ...


MilliporeSigma A Leader in Life Science MilliporeSigma is the life science division of Merck KGaA of Darmstadt Germany — the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company. Their purpose is to solve the toughest problems in life science by col...

Pharmaceutical Testing

Pharmaceutical Testing Products and chemicals for your pharmaceutical applications. Related Information Literature Current Promotions Chromatography Do you need to separate the compounds in your sample or require more detailed investigation? We of...

Downstream purification for recombinant proteins

Downstream purification for recombinant proteins With more than 30 years of chromatography experience developed products and services we have every solution to meet your needs. Our J.T.Baker® brand BAKERBOND™ chromatography resins have been used s...

Final fill for vaccines

Final fill for vaccines Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an ISO...

BRAND Bottletop Dispensers

BRAND Bottletop Dispensers BRAND brings over a half century of bottletop dispenser manufacturing to their comprehensive line. The flagship Dispensette S line features fourth-generation technology with models optimized for general dispensing solven...

Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) Sample Preparation

Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) - Sample Preparation Sample preparation is key but often overlooked step in the chromatography process. Every sample is unique and what works for one preparation may not work as well for another. That’s why Ava...

Ansell Chemical Campaign Whitepaper NA 2016-10-11

CHEMICAL GLOVE SELECTION PROCESS 2 INTRODUCTION Selection of chemical protective gloves is often a challenging exercise. There are more than 60 million registered chemicals (reference: CAS registry). Many different chemicals and chemical mixes are...

What Is Protein Purification?

What Is Protein Purification? Protein purification is an important technique in biochemistry molecular biology and biotechnology as proteins play a vital role in various biological processes. Proteins are one of the important macromolecules and ca...
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