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You Searched For: 3,6-Difluoro-2-methoxybenzoic acid

273  results were found

Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing

Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...

Pharmaceutical Testing

Pharmaceutical Testing Products and chemicals for your pharmaceutical applications. Related Information Literature Current Promotions Chromatography Do you need to separate the compounds in your sample or require more detailed investigation? We of...

ChemTrap Chemical Filtration Option For Safety Cabinets

ChemTrap Chemical Filtration Option For Safety Cabinets Erlab’s ChemTrap Chemical Filtration Option For Safety Cabinets H402 is an add on filtration system that will filter the interior space of a flammable acid or corrosive cabinet. The filters w...

Life Science

Life Science Tangential Flow Filtration Use the recently updated Minimate™ EVO TFF System and Capsules to streamline laboratory-scale concentration desalting and buffer exchange processes in a simple to use plug-n-play benchtop configuration to pr...

Advanced Battery Science - Facility Management & Protection

Advanced Battery Science - Facility Management & Protection Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor offers a broad range of products to keep the facility clean safe and ordered. Safety Laboratory Facilities...

Custom Peptide Synthesis Service

Custom Peptide Synthesis Service Avantor is excited to announce that we are partnering with our top qualified vendor CHI Scientific Inc. to offer custom peptide synthesis service with numerous options of synthesis platforms purity levels modificat...

~~EOM Oxygen IA~~

1 All About Elements: Oxygen | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Oxygen 1. Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere nearly half the mass of the earth’s crust and about two thirds of the huma...

Organic Building Blo

Organic Building Blocks and Intermediates Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of other elements...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.4-3 - Tygon Tubing

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.4-3 - Tygon Tubing Meet… ~~The Tygons~~ Tygon® tubing family offers you a host of choices The Tygon® family of tubing from Masterflex® is versatile cost-effective and suited for a wide variety of jobs. Need jus...

Ansell Chemical Resistant Disposable Gloves

Ansell Chemical Resistant Gloves Introducing the Microflex 93-260 the new glove that's changing the face of chemical hand protection. With an innovative three layer design Microflex 93-260 offers the reliable protection workers need when handling ch...


1 MICROFLEX® 93-260 CHEMICAL RESISTANT DISPOSABLE GLOVE Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Lab Workers CHALLENGES Using delicate instruments like eyedroppers tweezers and syringes lab researchers perform tests on potentially ha...

New England Biolabs

New England Biolabs Putting Science First Created ~~by scientists for scientists~~ NEB® is renowned for consistently providing exceptional product quality and unsurpassed technical support. For over four decades NEB has been shaping the landscape ...

Chemicals and Reagents

Chemicals and Reagents It All Starts... and Ends with Quality At MilliporeSigma we believe that quality in means quality out. That's why our reagents and chemicals are subjected to stringent controls during development and production to ensure rel...

Oligonucleotide analysis: Practical implementation approaches for HPLC and LC-MS analyses

Oligonucleotide analysis: Practical implementation approaches for HPLC and LC-MS analyses Thursday 23rd April 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Replay for 1 Year Oligonucleotide analysis: Practical implementa...

HyperSep Retain Products

HyperSep Retain Products Reproducible and clean sample extractions. Versatile polymeric materials for the retention of polar non-polar basic and acidic drugs. Product Selection HyperSep Retain
81 - 96 of 273