You Searched For: Protein Extraction
40 results were found
~~36083 LabSet-Up-Guide LifeSc Checklists~~
PRODUCT CHECKLIST ☐ Cell Biology Antibodies Cell Culture Equipment Cellular Assays and Signal Transduction Extracellular Matrices and Coated Plates Immunoassays Media Classical Mycoplasma Detection and Removal Serum Serum-Free Specialty Supplement...
Determination of Pestcide Residues in Red Wine The
1 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection Mike Oliver Thermo Scientific Runcorn UK This application presents a fast easy and cost-effective method for the determination of...
TECHNICAL BULLETIN “Pipetting error” is a phrase that is commonly heard in research laboratories. When preparing reagent cocktails pipetting error is accommodated for. What is not typically discussed or published are the causes and ramifications o...
~~azure biosystems western blot normalization~~
Normalization is critical for obtaining accurate quantitative data from Western blots. Normalization accounts for unequal loading of samples across the lanes on a gel and for differences in transfer efficiency across a blot. Traditionally protein ...
~~azure biosystems improve chemiluminescent western ~~
Chemiluminescent Westerns are popular assays for assessing protein expression. In this indirect detection method chemiluminescent substrates emit light when reacted with an antibody conjugated to an enzyme. The emitted light is captured and archiv...
~~azure biosystems imaging in gel~~
Detecting in-gel fluorescence enables the analysis of protein gels immediately after electrophoresis without staining or Western blotting. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis is a cornerstone of protein analysis. After separation identificat...
~~azure biosystems stain free gels~~
Introduction Stain-Free gel technology enables detection of protein bands in gels and on transfer membranes without using colorimetric or fluorescent stains. Stain-Free gels (Bio-Rad) contain a trihalocompound within the gel matrix that produces a...
~~azure biosystems chemiluminescent fluorescent west~~
Chemiluminescent Westerns Chemiluminescent Western blotting is an indirect method for detecting proteins bound on a membrane. The method relies on an enzyme-substrate reaction that emits light which is traditionally detected on x-ray film. Chemilu...
~~azure biosystems digital imaging~~
The advent of digital imaging has transformed Western blot detection. Here we outline how Western blotting has changed and review qualities to look for in a digital imager. Chemiluminescence and fluorescence When most people think of imaging their...
~~azure biosystems 3 color western blots c600~~
Multicolor detection is a powerful application of fluorescent Western blotting. Two or more proteins can be detected on one blot using antibodies labeled with different fluorophores (Figure 1). The ability to simultaneously assay multiple proteins...
SOLA TG21085-EN 1114S VWR US v2
Consistent excellence for bioanalysis Thermo Scientific SOLAµ SPE Plates Technical Guide Figure 1: SOLAµ SPE design – limiting issues associated with conventional SPE formats What is required of the bioanalytical method to meet these demands? • Ro...
~~azure biosystems improve fluorescent western blots~~
Fluorescent Western blots are the gold standard for quantitative Westerns. They are ideal for detecting multiple proteins simultaneously (multi-plexing) allowing in-lane normalization and detection of your protein of interest and loading control a...
At Mirus Bio we know it’s all about expression. Introducing the new CHOgro® Expression System a transient transfection platform that finally gets high protein titers with robust cell growth in the most relevant CHO cells. • Efficient – Enables hig...
~~PCR E1 Combi~~
TECHNICAL NOTE E1-ClipTip multichannel pipettes The E1-ClipTip Equalizer electronic pipette and Multidrop Combi Reagent Dispensers help improve the efficiency of preparing samples for RT-PCR and effort in these steps the Multidrop Combi Reagent Di...
~~PCR E1 Combi~~
TECHNICAL NOTE E1-ClipTip multichannel pipettes The E1-ClipTip Equalizer electronic pipette and Multidrop Combi Reagent Dispensers help improve the efficiency of preparing samples for RT-PCR and effort in these steps the Multidrop Combi Reagent Di...
~~Element of Month Lithum v2~~
/ of Month_Lithum_v2.pdf
1 All About Elements: Lithium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Lithium 1. Elemental lithium can float in mineral oil. 2. Lithium was one of the elements produced during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The other t...
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