You Searched For: Direct blue 1
43 results were found
~~Blue-Bottle Demonstration~~
Ward’s Science Tel: (866) 260-0501 98 o o o o o o Ward’s Science Tel: (866) 260-0501 99 o
~~azure biosystems 3 color western blots c600~~
Multicolor detection is a powerful application of fluorescent Western blotting. Two or more proteins can be detected on one blot using antibodies labeled with different fluorophores (Figure 1). The ability to simultaneously assay multiple proteins...
barcode labels L7162
1.00014.2500 ACETONE GR ACS, ISO 1 * 2,5 l
213-1111 BEAKER LOW FORM WITH SPOUT BORO 1L 1 * 1 items
216-3193 SAMPLE CONTAINER 30 ML PFA W SCR/CAP 1 * 1 items
216-8221 JAR 15ML PP+SCREW CAP 1 * 12 items
~~azure biosystems improve fluorescent western blots~~
Fluorescent Western blots are the gold standard for quantitative Westerns. They are ideal for detecting multiple proteins simultaneously (multi-plexing) allowing in-lane normalization and detection of your protein of interest and loading control a...
~~azure biosystems western blot applications~~
Azure Biosystems is dedicated to designing instruments that can deliver industry-leading performance across a broad range of laboratory applications without overcomplicating the user experience. We have designed a suite of upgradeable cSeries inst...
~~2016 Wards NSTA Chem Safety Poster~~
Color-Coded Storage of Chemicals +ward’sscience 800 962-2660 • OSHA Accepted Industry Standard Labeling System AREA 1 Low Hazard Storage Code: Green Suitable for general storage area. AREA 2 Flammables Storage Code: Red Store in flamma...
~~EOM Neon Final~~
1 All About Elements: Neon | 800-962-2660 2 Ward’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essential part of any chemi...
Ansell Guardian Whitepaper
FOCUS ON SAFETY An integrated approach to improve your business performance WORKPLACE INJURIES ARE STILL A BIG PROBLEM In 2015 there were approximately 2.9 million nonfatal work- place injuries and illnesses such as burns lacerations cuts and frac...
~~EOM Oxygen IA~~
1 All About Elements: Oxygen | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Oxygen 1. Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere nearly half the mass of the earth’s crust and about two thirds of the huma...
TECHNICAL BULLETIN “Pipetting error” is a phrase that is commonly heard in research laboratories. When preparing reagents and master mixes pipetting error is accommodated for. What is not typically discussed or published are the causes and ramific...
TECHNICAL BULLETIN “Pipetting error” is a phrase that is commonly heard in research laboratories. When preparing reagent cocktails pipetting error is accommodated for. What is not typically discussed or published are the causes and ramifications o...
~~Maintaining-Sample-Integrity-with-ART-Barriers 061~~
Maintaining Sample Integrity with Aerosol-blocking Tips Liquid Handling Consumables Thermo Fisher Scientific Because of the sensitivity of PCR a variety of factors can compromise the integrity of the reaction. This illustrates the importance of us...
~~azure biosystems chemiluminescent fluorescent west~~
Chemiluminescent Westerns Chemiluminescent Western blotting is an indirect method for detecting proteins bound on a membrane. The method relies on an enzyme-substrate reaction that emits light which is traditionally detected on x-ray film. Chemilu...
~~azure biosystems imaging in gel~~
Detecting in-gel fluorescence enables the analysis of protein gels immediately after electrophoresis without staining or Western blotting. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis is a cornerstone of protein analysis. After separation identificat...
SOLA TG21085-EN 1114S VWR US v2
Consistent excellence for bioanalysis Thermo Scientific SOLAµ SPE Plates Technical Guide Figure 1: SOLAµ SPE design – limiting issues associated with conventional SPE formats What is required of the bioanalytical method to meet these demands? • Ro...
Ansell Protect Yourself from Type 1 Allergies
Bad reactions to latex gloves? PROTECT YOURSELF Protect yourself from Type I allergies. Introduction Occasionally wearing glove products can cause issues with the health of our skin. This predominantly manifests itself in the form of skin allergie...
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