You Searched For: Silver Standards

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Catalog Number: AA14199-18
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Description: 1000ppm Ag. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.500mL.
Catalog Number: RCPAG1KN-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000ppm Ag. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.100mL.
Catalog Number: RCPAG1KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: VeriSpec* Silver Standard, For ICP/MS 10 ppm in 2% HNO3 Manufactured and Tested in an ISO 17025/Guide 34 Accredited Facility, Form: Liquid, Container: Poly natural, NIST traceable, Size: 100ML
Catalog Number: RCRV010571100N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: VeriSpec* Silver Standard, For ICP/MS 100 ppm in 2% HNO3 Manufactured and Tested in an ISO 17025/Guide 34 Accredited Facility, Form: Liquid, Container: Poly natural, NIST traceable, Size: 100ML
Catalog Number: RCRV010502100N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ag ion in dilute HNO3. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 500mL.
Catalog Number: RCAAG1KN-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ag ion in dilute HNO3. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 100mL.
Catalog Number: RCAAG1KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ag. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.100mL.
Catalog Number: RCPAG10KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ag. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.50mL.
Catalog Number: RCPAG10KN-50
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ag. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.500mL.
Catalog Number: RCPAG10KN-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000ppm Ag. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectometry (MS) standard. Specialized ICP standard used to provide very high level sensitivity in analyses, typically parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt). 100mL.
Catalog Number: RCMSAG1KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Catalog Number: TS196305000
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

New Product

Catalog Number: TS196301000
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

New Product

Catalog Number: AA45264-AE
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Description: plasma standard solution, Specpure*, Ag 1000æg/ml,UN3264,Liquid,WARNING: CORROSIVE, irritates skin and eyes,100ml,500ml,CORROSIVE,
Catalog Number: AA13849-AD
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Catalog Number: AA43868-18
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

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