You Searched For: Molecular Weight Markers

Molecular-weight size markers are a set of standards used to identify the approximate size of a molecule run on a gel during electrophoresis, using the principle that molecular weight is inversely proportional to migration rate through a gel matrix. The molecular weight markers offered are ideal for verification of PCR products, for size analysis of digested DNA, and easy band identification of a number of different fragments. Certain models are available pre-mixed with loading dye.

Molecular-weight size markers are a set of standards used to identify the approximate size of a molecule run on a gel during electrophoresis, using the principle that molecular weight is inversely proportional to migration rate through a gel matrix. The molecular weight markers offered are ideal for verification of PCR products, for size analysis of digested DNA, and easy band identification of a number of different fragments. Certain models are available pre-mixed with loading dye.

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Catalog Number: (PAG5711)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: 13 blunt-end fragments from 250bp to 10,000bp.

Catalog Number: (PAG6951)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: Forty blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 100bp to 4,000bp in 100bp increments.

Catalog Number: (PAG4471)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: Ten blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 10bp to 100bp in exactly 10bp increments

Catalog Number: (PAD1531)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: phiX174 replicative form (RF) is a double-stranded circular DNA molecule of 5,386 bases. Used in assays of restriction enzymes for the presence of nickase activity.

Catalog Number: (AAJ67051-AMI)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: This DNA Molecular Weight Marker is used for rapid and precise sizing of DNA strands.


Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: Quick-Load Purple 2-Log DNA Ladder is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing one tracking dye

Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: A proprietary plasmid is digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 11 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for both agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

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Catalog Number: (101227-142)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: TriDye™ 2-Log DNA Ladder is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing 3 dyes which serve as visual aids to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis

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Catalog Number: (77461-670)
Description: The Gelite™ 50 bp DNA Ladder is ideal for sizing and approximating the mass of double-stranded DNA within the 50 to 1500 bp range on agarose or polyacrylamide gels.

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Catalog Number: (101228-472)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: The MspI digest of pBR322 DNA yields 26 fragments

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Catalog Number: (101228-466)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: The BstNI Digest of pBR322 DNA yields 6 fragments suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis

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Catalog Number: (101227-144)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: TriDye™ 100 bp DNA Ladder is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing 3 dyes which serve as visual aids to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis

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Catalog Number: (PAG3011)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: 50-1,000kb; 20 bands. Concatamer of lambda phage DNA. Embedded in dye-colored, 1% agarose string molds in 50mM EDTA at 0.5ug/5mm.

Catalog Number: (12001-748)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: RNA standards may be denatured with standard procedures, and can be visualized in Northern blots with labeled lambda sequence.

Catalog Number: (PAG6941)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: Ten blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 1kb to 10kb in 1kb increments.

Supplier: Biotium
Description: A visible three-color protein marker for SDS-PAGE or western blotting, with 12 bands ranging from 8 to 245 kDa.

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